Forever Garlic Thyme
Facts, Description and Benefits of Forever Garlic Thyme
Forever Garlic Thyme

Both garlic and thyme have long histories of use for health purposes. Ancient civilizations believed garlic would keep them healthy and strong. Ancient Greeks added thyme to their bathwater and burned it as incense, believing it had properties that granted courage. Romans would eat thyme regularly, convinced that the herb's healthful properties would protect them if they were poisoned by an enemy.

Forever Garlic-Thyme showcases nature’s super duo of nutrition. Garlic supports cardiovascular health because it contains beneficial compounds that promote healthy circulation. When garlic is cut or crushed the enzymes react to produce a powerful immune enhancing agent. With Forever Garlic-Thyme you’ll get all the benefits of a 1,000mg of garlic!

Thyme contains antioxidant compounds to fight oxidative stress and free radical damage along with saponins, which promote healthy immune function. Together, these ingredients provide a potent fuel to support your body’s defenses.

The nutrition of garlic and thyme are packed into this easy to take soft gel. Reach for Forever Garlic-Thyme for an easy and convenient way take advantage of nature’s immune supporting super foods. Grab yours today!

Buy Forever Garlic Thyme Today

Forever Garlic Thyme
Cemir Aydin 12 February, 2021
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